St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel, Small Lecture Hall OC
Swiss Chemical Society
Expanding the accessible chemical space by utilizing traditional organic chemistry, small transition-metal catalysts, and enzymes (Prix Schläfli in Chemistry)
Klingelbergstr. 80, 4056 Basel, Small Lecture Hall PC 4.04
Department of Chemistry (MO)
Photoinduced symmetry-breaking charge-transfer
St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel, Small Lecture Hall OC
Basel Chemical Society
Photochemical transformations enabled by porphyrinoids and beyond
Klingelbergstr. 80, 4056 Basel, Big Lecture Hall PC 3.10
Inaugural Lecture Prof. Yang Yao
Klingelbergstr. 80, 4056 Basel, Large Lecture Hall PC 3.10
Intergroup Seminar (OB)
Studies in Homogeneous Gold Catalysis – Method Development and Ligand Design
St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel, Small Lecture Hall OC
Department of Chemistry (MMay)
From pi-conjugated rods to shape-persistent rings, wheels and ladders: the question of rigidity
St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel, Small Lecture Hall OC
Basel Chemical Society
Radical adventures in Catalysis
St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel, Small Lecture Hall OC
Department of Chemistry (CS)
Structural Constraint and Electromerism: Pushing p-Block Elements Out of the Comfort Zone
Klingelbergstr. 80, 4056 Basel, Small Lecture Hall PC 4.04
Department of Chemistry (JT)
Excitation and reactivity of interstellar ions
Klingelbergstr. 80, 4056 Basel, Small Lecture Hall PC 4.04
Department of Chemistry (CP)