18 Dec 2019
16:30  - 18:00

Klingelbergstrasse 80, 4056 Basel, lecture room PC 4.04, 2nd floor

Department of Chemistry

Phase or faith: The molecular Aharanov-Bohm effect in unimolecular reactions

Prof. Dr. Hua Guo (University of New Mexico, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Albuquerque, NM, USA)
17 Dec 2019
17:30  - 18:15

St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel, small lecture room OC

Department of Chemistry

Lean management

Steven Humphries (Solvias)
13 Dec 2019
10:45  - 12:15

Rosental, Mattenstrasse 40/42, 4058 Basel, building UZB DUW (Zahnmedizin), lecture hall U1.402

Department of Chemistry

Isobutene production by fermentation: when artificial bio-catalysts make the difference

CANCELLED Dr. Frederic Paques (Global Bioenergies, Evry, France)
11 Dec 2019
16:30  - 18:00

Klingelbergstrasse 80, 4056 Basel, lecture room PC 4.04, 2nd floor

Department of Chemistry

Multiscale simulation of electronic processes in molecular materials: challenges for electronic structure theory in complex environments

Prof. Dr. Björn Baumeier (Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
10 Dec 2019
17:30  - 18:15

St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel, small lecture room OC

Department of Chemistry

Artificial intelligence

Marek Checinski (Creative Quantum GmbH)
10 Dec 2019
16:30  - 18:00

Klingelbergstrasse 80, 4056 Basel, lecture room PC 4.04, 2nd floor

Department of Chemistry

In silico’ decryption of protein-ligand interaction

Dr. Padmabati Mondal (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Tirupati, Tirupati, India)
04 Dec 2019
16:30  - 18:00

Rosental, Mattenstrasse 24a, 4002 Basel, building 1095, room E00.006

Nanostructured amphiphilic conetwork hydrogels as carriers for intelligent drug release and high efficiency drug solubilization by nanomicelles of self-assembling amphiphilic block copolymers with hyperbranched segments

Prof. Dr. Bela Ivan (Hungarian Academy of Science, Polymer Chemistry Research Group, Budapest, Hungary)
03 Dec 2019
17:30  - 18:15

St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel, small lecture room OC

Department of Chemistry

Towards vitamins: catalysis with and without metals

Thomas Netscher (DSM)
28 Nov 2019
10:45  - 12:15

Rosental, Mattenstrasse 24a, 4002 Basel, building 1095, room E00.006om E00.006, BPR 1095, Mattenstrasse 24a, Basel

Department of Chemistry

Light-responsive organic molecular switches for energy storage and nano-gap modulation

Prof. Dr. Grace Han (Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, USA)
27 Nov 2019
16:30  - 18:00

Klingelbergstrasse 80, 4056 Basel, lecture room PC 4.04, 2nd floor

Department of Chemistry

The quantum physics of interacting atoms and ions

Dr. René Gerritsma (Universty of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)