21 Feb 2019
17:30  - 19:00

Departement Chemie, St. Johanns-Ring 19, kleiner Hörsaal OC

Basel Chemical Society

Membrane-active peptides and photoswitchable analogues as antibiotics, anti-cancer agents and cell penetrating carriers (BCG)

Prof. Dr. Anne S. Ulrich (Karlsruher Institut of Technolgy, Karlsruhe, Germany)
11 Feb 2019
13:30  - 18:00

Departement Chemie, BPR 1095, Rosental-Areal, Seminarraum E00.006

Department of Chemistry

TokyoTech - NCCR Molecular Systems Engineering Joint Symposium (AC)

Takafumi Ueno Kazushi Kinbara Cornelia Palivan Daniel Müller Ryota Lino
31 Jan 2019
17:30  - 19:00

Departement Chemie, St. Johanns-Ring 19, kleiner Hörsaal OC

Basel Chemical Society

Chemical space for drug discovery (BCG)

Prof. Dr. Jean-Louis Reymond (Universitäy of Berne, Berne, Switzerland)
30 Jan 2019
16:30  - 18:00

Klingelbergstr. 80, 4056 Basel, kleiner Hörsaal PC 4.04

Department of Chemistry

Systematic improvement of diffusion Monte Carlo nodal surfaces through multi-determinant trial wavefunctions for molecules and solids (PC)

Dr. Anouar Benali (Computational Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory, IL, USA)
15 Jan 2019
11:00  - 12:30

Klingelbergstr. 80, Seminarraum 2.OG, PC 4.10

Department of Chemistry

Design of the CRF-PEPICO: a next-generation multiplexed spectrometer for studying gas-phase kinetics of combustion and atmospheric reactions (PC)

Dr. Daniel Rösch (Sandia National Laboratory, USA)
14 Jan 2019
15:00  - 16:30

Departmentof Chemisty, St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel, Kleiner OC-Hörsaal

Swiss Chemical Society

Discovery and applications of cyclic peptides in drug desig (SCG)

Prof. Dr. David J. Craik (University of Queensland, Australia)
10 Jan 2019
17:30  - 19:00

Department of Chemisty, Klingelbergstrasse 80, 4056 Basel, Kl. Hörsaal PC 4.04

Basel Chemical Society

Shuttle catalysis - a conceptual blueprint for reversible functional group transfer (BCG)

Prof. Dr. Bill Morandi (ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland)
19 Dec 2018
16:30  - 18:00

Klingelbergstrasse 80, 4056 Basel, Kl. Hörsaal PC 4.04

Department of Chemistry

Accurate calculations for large molecules (PC)

Prof. Dr. Mihály Kállay (Budapest, Hungary)
18 Dec 2018
10:00  - 11:30

Spitalstrasse 51, 4056 Basel, Kolloquiumsraum AC-006

Department of Chemistry

Reactivity at the nanoscale in monolayer-protected gold nanoclusters (SNSF Eccellenza grant)

Dr. Giovanni Salassa (University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland)
14 Dec 2018
10:45  - 12:15

St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel, Kleiner OC-Hörsaal

Departement Chemie

Catalytic reactions using H2 - but (almost) no hydrogenations (OC)

Prof. Dr. Johannes F. Teichert (TU Berlin, D)