Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
Timetable 1st Semester (HS 2024)
(PDF, 42.02 KB)
Timetable 2nd Semester (FS 2025)
(PDF, 62.22 KB)
Timetable 3rd Semester (HS 2024)
(PDF, 40.39 KB)
Timetable 4th Semester (FS 2025)
(PDF, 60.58 KB)
Timetable 5th Semester (HS 2024)
(PDF, 40.05 KB)
Timetable 6th Semester (FS 2025)
(PDF, 59.90 KB)
Exam information (Faculty of Science, in German only)
Registration deadlines for Bachelor exams (HS 2023)
(PDF, 55.63 KB)
Regulations on the Bachelor's Programs (valid from 1. August 2021, in German only)
Study Plan Bachelor's Program in Chemistry (dated 1. August 2021, in German only)
Guidelines for the Bachelor's and Master's Program (dated 25. Mai 2021)
(PDF, 276.34 KB)
Qualification Profile (in German only)
Absichtserklärung zum Bachelorabschluss (in German only)
Master of Science in Chemistry
Learning Contract - Elective Internship (internally conducted)
(PDF, 112.21 KB)
Learning Contract - Elective Internship (externally conducted)
(PDF, 117.16 KB)
Learning Contract - Master Thesis
Registration for the Master's Examination
(PDF, 177.89 KB)
Assessment of the Master's Examination
Declaration of Scientific Integrity
Plagiarism: Infomation Sheet
Timetable (FS 2025)
(PDF, 54.89 KB)
Timetable (HS 2024)
(PDF, 42.16 KB)
Regulations for the Master's Programs (valid from 1. August 2021, in German only)
Handout Master's Program
(PDF, 193.91 KB)
Study Plan Master's Program Chemistry (valid from 1. August 2021, in German only)
Guidelines for the Bachelor's and Master's Program Chemistry (valid from 1.8.2021)
(PDF, 276.34 KB)
Qualification Profile (in German only)
Infosheet Master Thesis (internal)
(PDF, 85.65 KB)
Infosheet Master Thesis (external)
(PDF, 91.78 KB)