/ People

Sarah Keller wins 2017 Albert Hofmann PhD Award

Sarah Keller, a 4th year PhD student in the group of Professors Housecroft and Constable, has won one of the 2017 Albert Hofmann PhD Awards for Excellence in Research.

/ Research

The Vitamin Ergothioneine: An Antioxidant for Oxygen-Free Areas?

Chemists at the University of Basel have been able to show for the first time that anaerobic bacteria can produce the vitamin ergothioneine in the absence of oxygen. This suggests that bacteria were forming this compound even before there…

/ Research

Nanocapsules Enable Cell-Inspired Metabolic Reactions

Researchers at the University of Basel succeeded in developing capsules capable of producing the bio-molecule glucose-6-phosphate that plays an important role in metabolic processes. The researchers were able to produce the metabolite in…

/ People

Thomas Ward wins Royal Society of Chemistry award

Basel chemist Thomas Ward, Professor of Bioinorganic Chemistry at the University of Basel and Director of the NCCR Molecular Systems Engineering, is the Royal Society of Chemistry Bioinorganic Chemistry Award winner for 2017.

/ Research

Researchers Imitate Molecular Crowding in Cells

Enzymes behave differently in a test tube compared with the molecular scrum of a living cell. Chemists from the University of Basel have now been able to simulate these confined natural conditions in artificial vesicles for the first time.…

/ Research

Chemically Modified Insulin Is Available More Quickly

Replacing a hydrogen atom by an iodine atom in insulin, the hormone retains its efficacy but is available more rapidly to the organism. Researchers at the University of Basel were able to predict this effect based on computer simulations…