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Yang Yao appointed as Assistant Professor
The Chemist Prof. Dr. Yang Yao has dedicated her research efforts to the soft matter study and the exploration of molecular dynamics using spectroscopic techniques.
The 34-year-old physical chemist Prof. Dr. Yang Yao is currently a senior scientist at ETH Zurich and will move to the Department of Chemistry at the University of Basel at the beginning of 2024, where she will pursue a project for which she received an ERC Starting Grant in 2022. Her goal is to develop artificial cells equipped with liquid water that exhibit biological activities at subzero temperatures. Her project will push the boundaries of our understanding of cellular life.
Yang Yao completed her master's degree in Materials Science and Engineering at Beijing University of Chemical Technology in 2015. In 2018, she received her PhD in chemistry from the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPIP) in Germany. Subsequently, as a postdoctoral researcher, Yang conducted research at both MPIP as well as ETH Zurich. Her assistant professorship (without tenure track) is closely tied to the duration of the ERC Starting Grant.