SNSF Starting Grants

The Department of Chemistry of the University of Basel solicits applications for SNSF Starting Grants.

Only applications of outstanding quality which are in line with the strategic focus of the Department will be pursued. Candidates are strongly encouraged to contact one of the professors of the current faculty close to their area of expertise, prior to submitting their application. 
In particular, we are looking for talented applicants in the fields of molecular organic or inorganic chemistry and computational chemistry.

Candidates are invited to submit by 4 October the following documentation by e-mail to the Head of the Department of Chemistry as a single file:

  • CV and complete list of publications
  • two-page research plan
  • one-page motivation letter
  • list of at least three referees to be contacted

Short-listed candidates will be invited to present their past achievements and research proposals during a mini-symposium. Final support decisions will be communicated two months ahead of the grant/fellowship application deadline.