28 Mai 2020


Cancelled - Prof. Dr. Euan K. Brechin (University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland)
27 Mai 2020


Cancelled - Prof. Dr. Sandrine Gerber (EPFL Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland)
20 Mai 2020

Cancelled - Uncovering protein mechanics in physiology and disease

Jorge Alegre-Cebollada, PhD (National Institute for Cardiovascular Research, CNIC-Carlos III, Madrid, Spain)
19 Mai 2020
13:00  - 14:30

Online PC research seminar

Department of Chemistry

ONLINE SEMINAR - Characterising exoplanets with spectroscopy: Molecular line lists for hot atmospheres

Prof. Dr. Jonathan Tennyson (University College London, London, UK) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83946938394?pwd=MGJuSWZpMFJMVXJsS2lJWG9na0xiUT09 Meeting ID: 839 4693 8394 Password: 014543
15 Mai 2020

Cancelled - tba

Cancelled - Prof. Dr. Carlos Geraldes Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal)
14 Mai 2020

Cancelled - tba

Cancelled - Prof. Dr. Amir H. Hoveyda (Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA)
13 Mai 2020

Cancelled - tba

Cancelled - Prof. Dr. Esther Amstad (EPFL Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland)
08 Mai 2020

Cancelled - Watching materials form: X-ray scattering analysis of nanoparticle chemistry

Prof. Dr. Kirsten Jensen (University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark)
29 Apr 2020

Cancelled - tba

Cancelled - Prof. Dr. Rebecca Pogni (Sienna University, Sienna, Italy)
24 Apr 2020

Cancelled - Counterions and cascades in organic synthesis

Prof. Dr. Martin D. Smith (University of Oxford, Oxford, UK)