24 Mär 2023
10:45  - 12:15

St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel, small lecture hall OC

Department of Chemistry (TW)

Bioconjugation and beyond in the field of antibody drug conjugate

Prof. Dr. Alain Wagner (University of Strasbourg, France)
17 Mär 2023
10:45  - 12:15

St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel, small lecture hall OC

Department of Chemistry (OB)

Helicenes: Chiral Platforms with Fascinating Properties

Prof. Dr. Jeanne Crassous (University of Rennes, France)
10 Mär 2023
10:45  - 12:15

St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel, small lecture hall OC

Department of Chemistry (OB)

Harnessing Non-Covalent Interactions to Address Selectivity Challenges in Catalysis

Prof. Dr. Robert Phipps (University of Cambridge, UK)
02 Mär 2023
16:00  - 18:00

St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel, small lecture hall OC

Intergroup Seminar (OW)

Earth-abundant metal complexes for artificial photosynthesis

Dr. Claudia Bizzarri (KIT Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany)
24 Feb 2023
10:45  - 12:15

St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel, small lecture hall OC

Department of Chemistry (MD)

Integrative chemistry of functional nanostrustructured and hierarchically structured Inorganic and hybrid materials

Prof. Dr. Clément Sanchez (University of Strasbourg, France)
27 Jan 2023
08:00  - 17:00

St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel

SCS & Department of Chemistry

4th Swiss Industrial Chemistry Symposium SICS 2023

4th Swiss Industrial Chemistry Symposium SICS 2023
24 Jan 2023
10:45  - 12:15

Intergroup Seminar (DG)

CANCELLED - Structural biology-enabled design in crop protection : example of nAChR orthosteric modulator insecticides

Dr. Aurelien Bigot (Syngenta AG)
23 Jan 2023
10:45  - 12:15

Campus Rosental, Zahnmedizin, Seminarraum O2.414, Mattenstrasse 40/42, 4058 Basel

Intergroup Seminar (KT)

Polyaromatic Capsules as Smart Nanocontainers in Water

Prof. Michito Yoshizawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
09 Jan 2023
10:00  - 11:30

St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel, small lecture hall OC

Intergroup Seminar (MMay)

Putting Rings on Fullerenes: Nanohoops, Rotaxanes & Russian Dolls

Prof. Dr. Max von Delius (University of Ulm, Germany)
16 Dez 2022
10:45  - 12:15

Campus Rosental, Zahnmedizin, Seminarraum O2.414, Mattenstrasse 40/42, 4058 Basel

Department of Chemistry (KT)

Structure-Reactivity-Stereoselectivity Principles in the Assembly of Complex Bacterial Glycans

Prof. Dr. J.D.C. Jeroen Codee (University of Leiden, Netherlands)