St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel, small lecture hall OC
Department of Chemistry (DG)
Natural Products-Inspired Drug Discovery for FK506-Binding Proteins
St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel, small lecture hall OC
Intergroup Seminar (DG)
A chemically stabilized DNA for DNA-encoded screening libraries
Campus Rosental, Zahnmedizin, Seminarraum O2.414, Mattenstrasse 40/42, 4058 Basel
Department of Chemistry (JDR)
Reversibility of particle contacts: a key concept in nanoparticle self-assembly, soft composite conductors, and circular electronic materials
St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel, small lecture hall OC
Basel Chemical Society
E. coli based-positive selection: a novel discovery engine for molecular glues
Klingelbergstr. 80, 4056 Basel, Large Lecture Hall PC 3.10
Department of Chemistry (SW)
Molecular Chirality and Parity Violation: From Theory towards Spectroscopic Experiment and the Evolution of Biomolecular Homochirality (Werner-Kuhn-Seminar)
Klingelbergstr. 80, 4056 Basel, Large Lecture Hall PC 3.10
Department of Chemistry (MO)
Vibrational Circular Dichroism as Probe for Intermolecular Interactions: From solvation to asymmetric catalysis and beyond
St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel, small lecture hall OC
Basel Chemical Society
Biosynthesis of hybrid polyketide-nonribosomal peptide anticancer drugs
Klingelbergstr. 80, 4056 Basel, Large Lecture Hall PC 3.10
Department of Chemistry (CP)
Swimming and Directed Motion: From enzymes to chemical motors and tissue-penetrating nanopropellers
Klingelbergstr. 80, 4056 Basel, Large Lecture Hall PC 3.10
Department of Chemistry (MN)
Engineering Synthetic Ligand Scaffolds
St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel, small lecture hall OC
Department of Chemistry (OB)