Swiss Society for Crystallography | SGK / SSCr

Annual Meeting 2024 - "Polymorphism"

Thursday, 12th September 2024

Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area AG
Hegenheimermattweg 167A
4123 Allschwil, Switzerland



The 2024 annual meeting of the SGK/SSCr under the title "polymorphism" will take place at the Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area AG in Allschwil on Thursday 12th of September.

The meeting is free of charge (except for accommodation and a contribution to the social dinner).

Abstracts will be published in the August Newsletter of the SGK/SSCr.

workshop about Pair Distribution Function (PDF) on the 11th of September precedes the Meeting of the SGK/SSCr.

Venue and Registration

Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area AG
Hegenheimermattweg 167A
4123 Allschwil, Switzerland

Link to the venue

Link to registration (conference and dinner)
Registration deadline: 31st July 2024

Invited Speakers

Prof. Simon Parsons, University of Edinburgh

Dr. Birger Dittrich, Novartis

Dr. Peter Wood, CCDC

Conference Dinner

The traditional dinner with the invited speakers will be held on Wednesday, September 11, 20.00 h at Restaurant ALEYDO @Hotel ODELYA, Missionstrasse 21a, 4055 Basel.

Please indicate that you will participate at the dinner in the online registration form for the conference (CHF 80,- per person).


Dr. Alessandro Prescimone
University of Basel
Department of Chemistry
BPR 1095 – Mattenstrasse 22
CH-4058 Basel
Tel. +41 61 207 10 25

Abstract Submission

Abstract submission is possible until 31st of July 2024.

Send the abstract (only .docx file type accepted) via email directly to the organizer with subject: “SSCr Annual Meeting 2024 - abstract”.

Template Talk

Template Poster
